A Life Jacked: A Story About Gangstalking | Documentary Idea

by Sherrelle Johnson
(Los Angeles, CA)


This story is about a 50+ African American woman in Los Angeles whose life has been taken over by mainly Latino gang members, because a family where she as living had their lease pulled, and being black in Anaheim, she was blamed.

It starts off very subtle, with auto vandalism, reputation damage, and constant gang confrontation. It continues with several gang members of several races attacking her on several levels, causing her to move several times.

Even though she would move, she'd always be followed.

As a result of being gang stalked, her credit was damaged, vehicles violated due to gps tracking devices placed on her vehicle, home violated via pry bar entrance, reputation damaged in community, intense fear build up, constant feelings of gloom and death, attempted home invasion one Christmas night, and was chased from Southern to Northern California in an attempt to murder her.

The police don't believe her and view her as a mental case because she has had issues in mental health.

This is a documentary that needs awareness.

Currently she lives in an apartment building in Gardena, Ca where there is a gang headquarters directly above where she lives where they are planning to kill her, because she is labeled a Snitch.

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May 14, 2017
The struggle is very real.
by: Anonymous

I'm african american male, and ive been targeted since 1987. Their methods of mayhem is very real. Best of wishes along with much strength of you prevailing.

Nov 08, 2016
Please make this Doc!
by: Anonymous

If you feel you are being stalked please document every single thing. You've decided to turn this into a documentary. excellent idea because this gives you a forum to tell your story. You should also get legal advise to protect yourself if you feel you are being stalked by organized crime. Sounds like a compelling story ... I wish you the best.

Mar 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

Not only are the majority of people who are Gangstalked are African American, they are also mostly women. I will stay strong, but it is hard, and very unfair.

Mar 27, 2016
Stay strong
by: Anonymous

I am a victim of gang stalking in a Gardena, Calif. Also I am African American. It has been rumored that a large percentage of victims of gang stalking are African Americans. No one cares, take it to the Lord. I just feel that these people have tap into something that is spiritually evil.

Feb 15, 2016
A life jacked
by: Sherrelle

I am living this right now.

Feb 15, 2016
your source
by: Kerry

Is this about you Sherrelle or someone you know?

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