A Rim Without a Net | Documentary Idea

by Brandon Bagsby
(Fayetteville, Arkansas)

My documentary idea is based on a guy I grew up watching play basketball and everyone around here, including local College and former NBA players said this guy had what it took to make it. I would like to present his story and go in depth as to why he never made it and what some of his downfalls in life were. Also I would possibly like to write a book about other guys in similar situations.

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Aug 05, 2011
You're Welcome
by: Desktop Documentaries

You're welcome BrandonB. Let us know if you have any more questions as you move forward on your journey. My best advice at this point is to start the process of building trust and finding out if the guy is even willing to do an interview. You can always have a "Plan B" in your pocket. If he doesn't work out for some reason, you could just take a video camera to a busy public place and start interviewing random people about the things keeping them from reaching their full potential. If you're not used to this kind of thing.. it can seem odd at first. But just pretend you're a TV reporter and that's the assignment you've been given for the day. That may or may not fit your documentary vision.. the point is always have a Plan B, C and D in case your original idea doesn't pan out. That's all part of the fun/challenge of documentary filmmaking!

Good luck!

Aug 04, 2011
Rim Without a Net....
by: Brandonb

Yeah....I actually just saw him the other day!! And your right, some people don't like success for several reasons, alot unknown. So I'm sure I can gather several interviews and so forth. Just collecting footage of him during his playing days may be a stretch. But I think I can or am in the right direction. Thank you so much for the reply and please feel free to give more info. I'm totally new to all this without any experience. Just a dream and a story I've been passionate about for years. Thank you again

Aug 04, 2011
Great title...
by: Desktop Documentaries

Your title really grabbed my attention. Do you have access to this person who played basketball? People don't usually like talking about how they failed, so you will really need to build up trust with this person in order to do this story. You would really need to take a delicate human approach and be open to the idea that in his mind perhaps he did not "fail". Perhaps he failed by worldly standards, but maybe he did not want success and is exactly where he wants to be. If you approached this person for an interview, maybe approach him with the angle "where are they now". Asking him to talk more about his life choices....

Again, great title! I would like to hear a bit more how exactly you would go about telling this story.

Aug 04, 2011
A Rim without a Net.....
by: BrandonB

If anyone likes this idea or have any suggestions.....please email me. So much more I wanna learn. Outkast302.bb@gmail.com

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