Avion - The Story Of My Life | Documentary Idea

by Avion Anderson
(Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago)

Avion – The story of my life documentary idea: This is a true story and memoirs of my life and are based on the numerous challenges and struggles with all the temptations, tragedies, torments, trials, tribulations and triumphs of life, which I have endured throughout my lifetime from infancy up this present time.

Everyone gets an inside scoop into everything that is me, my life story, experiences, journeys, my family life, who they are, my friends, enemies, former workers, associates and other individuals, groups and organizations whom have made a great impact on my life whether positive or negative, along with stories about my education, school history, career, religion, travels, childhood dreams, bets and goals, aspirations, desires past, present and future; which I have set out for myself and for which I am planning and working hard towards becoming a reality.

And even those future aspirations that my family, friends and others in society had foreseen for me and just about everything else; including the many battles I have lost and to those that I have won, the obstacles which I have worked hard to overcome, to those I have yet to overcome and the stories about the many people, who I have interacted with on a positive as well as a negative level and their secrets, which may or may not be exposed, but in any event, I will surely take to my grave.

Even my own secrets and stories, which has caused me on many occasions to question my own existence and purpose on Earth and/or have even driven them to the very brink of collapse (fighting my inner demons, depression, eating and bipolar disorders, and more) and even over the edge to the point of committing (malice and suicide); for which all of it has made me the individual that I am today, a humble, unique and fully proud to be me, as well as a true fighter and survivor; including starting my own freelance writing business and owing my own home and other things.

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Mar 04, 2012
focus your story
by: Desktop Documentaries

Hello Avion,

Thank you for submitting your documentary idea. Have you thought about turning the camera on yourself and telling your own story?

You could do a really nice human interest story. The only issue is that you mention everything under the moon to include in your documentary. If we had one suggestion it would be to narrow the subject down to something a bit more specific... For example, you say:

"Even my own secrets and stories, which has caused me on many occasions to question my own existence and purpose on Earth and/or have even driven them to the very brink of collapse (fighting my inner demons, depression, eating and bipolar disorders, and more) and even over the edge to the point of committing (malice and suicide)"

Perhaps you could focus on the inner conflicts in your life and your struggle with these issues.

What do you think?

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