Beyond The Fence Line | Documentary Idea

by JR

March 31, 2013 - Due to the current climate and the emphasis on promoting the British armed forces, recent documentaries have shown how life is in the armed forces on land sea and in the air.

What they haven't shown is the real life, the life that goes on inside the base, beyond the fence.

I am sure most people reading this would think that it is rosey, free medical care, free dental care, cheap accommodation and cheap food. Well it isn't like that at all. Here are a few facts for you.

- There have been at least three suicides and a lot more attempted suicides in the last ten years.

- Two people have been given a large sum of money after leaving on medical grounds which are a direct result of neglect on the Armed Forces side.

- There have been an increase of bullying and harassment complaints for two years running.

You may think that these facts are trivial, and could happen anywhere not just in the armed forces. I took these facts from ONE base in the United Kingdom.

This situation needs to be publicised to show the real lifestyle of those people Beyond the fence line.

Any questions do not hesitate to ask please email me at beyondthefenceline(at) or post comments below.

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Sep 17, 2018
Did you go anywhere with this?
by: BJ


did you go anywhere with this idea? Did you complete the documentary and release it? I'm very curious to know.
If so, send me a link at


Apr 02, 2013
Vital recording
by: JR

i have managed to secure a recording of a conversation with two Naval Doctors, admitting that they have sent people to war with depression symptoms. Then going on to fobbing off the patient with a self help website for the Mental illness he is suffering with. They also admit to negligence! I may take this documentary on my own, i am just struggling to find a film crew.

Any advice would be brilliant on this matter.

Apr 01, 2013
RE Whistle Blower Status
by: JR

i would expect to remain anonymous throughout the production, but i am due to leave, i am serving in the Navy.

The effects this documentary could have would be too big for it to affect me personally when i am outside, if these issues are brought to light, the last thing they will want to do is then prosecute the person who brought them forward.

Apr 01, 2013
Whistleblower Status
by: Scott

Does the UK provide any protection for whistleblowers? How would you protect yourself in the event that the armed services challenged you and the accusations? I'm from America and I certainly have no thoughts about how glamorous or carefree life is behind the fences here. Suicide among troops has increased. Post war stress symptoms are on the rise. Serving in the armed forces is not easy.

I like this idea and wish I could do more than ask questions to help. I would caution that, should you move forward with this, you be ready. Because the British army, like the American one, won't take too kindly to having it's issues paraded on the other side of the fence. But, without courage, no change ever takes place.

God speed.

Apr 01, 2013
by: JR

I am the one on the Inside, so i have to be careful how i pitch it, i can't be too open with it hence my anonymity. I will try and Pitch this idea to the Channels thank you for the help.

I have been drawn to this subject because of the current documentaries on armed forces life which portray either a false or very well edited view.

Mar 31, 2013
inside sources?
by: Desktop Documentaries

Thanks JR for bringing this story to the forefront. Have you thought about pitching this story to the BBC or other news agency in the UK? Do you have someone on the "inside" willing to talk about these issues publicly? Curious what draws you to this story...

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