Body Male | Documentary Idea

by Pratik
(New Delhi, India)

I am new to this field of making documentaries and planning to work on how masculinity gets defined in the society through our performing bodies. The documentary would look into five different case studies or may say five different bodies - one guy who is an aspirant for modelling, second is another effeminate guy who works in a beauty salon, third is a gym instructor, fourth is an old man (ageing body) and fifth is a worker/domestic help.

The idea is to convey how the process of labeling takes place through the performing bodies and thus begins the construction of masculinity.

The rationale for this topic is to question the redundant ways in which we are defined, which establishes a heteronormative society that becomes critical of those who are seen to be challenging this order or perceived as a threat against the so-called "law of nature".

I need suggestions on how to develop a script/storyline for this. And if any documentaries related to this issue is already out there?

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