Bukowski With A Badge | Documentary Idea Pitch

by Mike
(Pittsburgh USA)

I am looking for someone to do a documentary film movie or short on a friend of mine who is an acclaimed poet. This individual is a retired homicide & narcotics detective and also runs amateur boxing in the Pittsburgh area.

He is often refered to as "Bukowski with a Badge" due to his gritty Charles Bukowski style writing about his time on the police work. His second book is soon to be published and all of the proceeds that he raises will go to save his boxing gym which he runs to keep inner city kids off of the street. Please contact me if you are interested in this project.

I will provide more information and samples of his remarkable work. Nick Nolte is a big fan and has recently read this poet's work in L.A.

Contact Mike at irishmpgh@hotmail.com

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Jun 26, 2012
great story idea! NEW
by: Desktop Documentaries

Sounds like a great story! You may want to consider pitching your idea to a local film school.

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