Can I use GoPro Mini Video Camera For Historical Documentary?
by jeb
(oktaha, OK)
New! GoPro HERO4
Question: The GoPro is supposedly designed for extreme sports action ... the project I am working on is a documentary style film which will require shots of historic still photos of the historic people highlighted and interviews with live persons, the interviews will be indoor and outdoor shots.
There will be limited live action and the project will require narration. Outside/outdoor film shots will be historic buildings and landscapes. Given the promoted capabilities and purpose of the GoPro, extreme actions, the question came to mind because of the need for and type of shots I will need to make....... not extreme action as you can see. I will be creating DVD's for educational purposes.
I was taken by the quality and resolutions (in the demos) the camera displayed.
Desktop Documentaries: You are right, the
GoPro HD is a pretty awesome little camera that is excellent for capturing extreme and sports shots.
Of course, the camera can be used for any purpose that your creative mind can come up with, not just for extreme filming. For example, if you wanted to capture the inside of a small room, the GoPro works great to get a wide angle shot.. or perhaps you could use it to walk through a building to give an interesting fisheye perspective.
With documentary filming, the subject matter (and budget) dictates what equipment you use. There are no cookie-cutter rules. You as the director need to decide the look and feel of your film and then decide what equipment and style of filmmaking will work best within the parameters of your budget. Traditionally speaking, maybe a mini-video camera is not used in historical documentaries, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be perfect for YOUR film. Maybe you have some really good reason by a GoPro would be perfect for a shot you're trying to get or an idea/feeling you're trying to capture.
Remember, "form follows function". Don't just use a GoPro to use a GoPro. Make sure there's a REASON behind it.
Learn the basics of
How To Make A Documentary.
Anyone else have ideas about this topic? Please comment below.