Dirty Deals | Documentary Idea
by Karen Breen
(San Francisco, CA)
A friend of mine and her husband were sent to jail several years ago for a crime which they did not commit. The entire ordeal was conspiratorial in a small town in Indiana, and ruined their lives. They have survived public humiliation, jail-time, and exorbitant fines, but seek vindication which will never be found.
I would like to see a documentary made about the abuse of power and absolute corruption that occurs in these small-town "pieces of Americana." Innocent people can have their lives turned upside down at the whim of a greedy town or county government, and have no recourse.
I know that this is much more rampant than just the case of my friend, and should be exposed, making the public aware of how fragile their rights and privacy are, and how easily they can be robbed of their lives.
My friend has the entire ordeal well-documented, and just now, 12 years later, is ready to talk about this to an interested party in order to raise public awareness of the absolute injustice that can exist in seemingly benign little communities.