Falsely Accused in Sweden | Documentary Idea

by Chris Harvey

September 2014 - Hello, I am an 53 Englishman who has a story to tell. I am looking for someone who might be interested in making a documentary on the legal system here in Sweden. I have been framed and pushed through Swedish legal system from start to finish for a crime i haven't committed. The evidence shows i have not committed but is ignored again and again.

I have handed the case file over to a a lawyer friend in England and his a opinion is that it should have never gone to court if it was heard in England. The system here in Sweden is not to find justice but to appease the politicians.

My story started with an assault and then to attempt murder where it escalated to two policemen beating me striped naked and thrown into a cell for 3 day, refused medical assistant, had 2 cans of pepper spray spray used on me and then the police refused to let me have a shower to wash it off. They released me after 3 days with no charge.

After 4 months I was finally charged with resisting arrest after I reported the two policemen for beating me up. The two policemen left me with a half a square meter of bruises and damage to my spine where i lost the use of my legs.

I now understand why Julian Assange would not get a fair trial here in Sweden.


Chris Harvey

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Nov 14, 2021
You are not alone!
by: Ian Ray

Dear Chris!
I am a 55-year-old Englishman.
I feel for you. I believe I understand your situation better than most. As I was also accused of a crime (narcotic) here in Sweden. My lawyer assured me that it can not lead to a successful conviction. There was no evidence. A tenant in one of my houses grew marijuana. However, it was political and corrupted from start to finish.
Just thought I would write a few lines to say that my heart goes out to you.
Stay strong

Mar 28, 2019
by: Lexi Morrow

How should we be able to get in touch with you? I would be interested in making a short documentary for my film class, but possibly interview you over the phone. If you would like to work that out you should email me ljmorrow1234@gmail.com

Nov 02, 2015
Get in touch
by: Artax

Please get in touch Chris, we are interested in telling your story. You can find us at Artaxfilm.com

Apr 14, 2015
Film Crew Ready
by: Anonymous

Hi Chirs,
I am a student journalist studying in Denmark looking to make a short documentary (about 15 minutes). I have a reporter, a camera man and an editor and all the equipment. Could you tell me that status of your case now? This sounds interesting.

Dec 08, 2014
by: NYRich

What's the status of your case now?

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