Famous & Ordinary Film Auditions | Documentary Idea

by Nathan Kirby Thomas Walker
(Worcester, England)

My documentary idea is to see the difference between famous actors and actresses and ordinary people when it comes to getting and going through auditions for films, tv programs, adverts etc.

For example we would look at an actor or actress that has already got an acting career and how they work with their acting agent to search for a new job that suits them and then go through the contact stage and then going through the auditions and getting feedback off the directors and producers watching the audition and then going through the callback.

Then when they have got the part we can then watch and look at them going through their rehersals and practicing the script and seing them get help from friends and family and we can see them have a laugh and fun throughout the whole processes. We can then see them in the studios working with the other cast and crew so we can see how they are able to cope and see how their emotions show when under pressure.

At the same time we would be looking at an ordinary person who hasn't got any acting experience, we would see how they might be able to get an acting agent or join an acting agency and how they are able to get an audition or a casting call and how they find it emotionally because its their first time and we would look at how they deal with the directors and producers and to see what help and support they will get from their family and friends.

Then we will see how they cope through their rehearsals and practicing their script and who they will get to help them and watch how they will react when they get feedback from the directors and producers and also from some of the other actors and actresses. We would also look to see whether they can have fun whilst making the film and see how they build their relationships with the cast and crew.

You can also ask the cast and crew about what they think about the person and how far they think their career might go. I think this idea is a good documentary idea because its good to see the difference between them and see how they develop differently.

Thank you very much, Nathan Walker

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Dec 11, 2016
Great Concept
by: Amanda Ridolfi

My name is Amanda Ridolfi. I live in Virginia. I stumbled across your documentary idea and I absolutely love it. I have been thinking about trying to break into the acting world recently (even though I'm already 29 years old) but it feels really impossible due to my acting experience being ZERO plus I have lots of tattoos that I would need to cover up if I ever wanted a really serious role. If you have any more information on your documentary, please email me at mandyridolfi@gmail.com. I'd love to know what ideas you have!

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