Great Giving | Documentary for PBS

by Parrot Productions
(New York, NY USA)

More than any other nation in the world, America has been shaped by philanthropy - not only literally, in bricks and mortar, but also in ideas and ideals that promote democratic action and foster civic life, even when they sometimes misfire or miss their mark. That story has never been chronicled on film in any wide-ranging, widely-distributed way.

"Great Giving: The Quest to Make a Difference", originally designed as a six-hour documentary series for national PBS, is a production of Gail Freedman and Parrot Productions. Our intention now is to make a single, feature-length documentary that explores the history, legacy, limitations (and by implication, future potential) of philanthropy.

Rather than an exhaustive survey catalogue of "all" philanthropy, Great Giving will sweep the landscape impressionistically, probing -- and narratively linking -- several in-depth, revelatory "case studies" of philanthropic passion, innovation, and in one case, hubris. We hope to use the power of storytelling to provoke, inspire, and move people. But we NEED some philanthropy to finish the film!

To contact Gail about this project, send an e-mail to: gfreedman(a)hvc(dot)rr(dot)com
(written this way to protect Gail from spam) ;)

Read an interview with documentary filmmaker Gail Freedman.

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Sep 07, 2011
Much needed film
by: Faith F.

Gail and her team interviewed my father, Millard Fuller (founder of Habitat for Humanity International) for this series. This is an amazing documentary idea and needs to be told.

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