by Amir
(Prizren, Kosovo)
I've been attending a Camp for School of Documentary that's been holding in my city in the beginning of January this year and I learned a lot of stuff about documentary filmography there. I also had cool tutors, a woman from LA and a guy from Barcelona, both successful film makers.
I found this site very useful from the beginning and since I saw a place where I can ask questions and I thought I may ask for help.
I have an idea which my tutors like the most but my problem is how to shoot a film with my idea.
It's a very complex idea which I'll try to explain into a few words. It's about informations technology which I personally think should gain more focus on it. I wanted to do a film with artistic approach which can explain the using of Internet and Information Technologies nowadays. Since the information is a very powerful thing, nowadays it's became even more powerful because of IT and quick exchange.
Now, you guys, can you give me some ideas how to visualize this idea into a more authentic way, not to be a cliché.
Many regards,
Amir :)
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