One Man and his Donkey | Documentary Idea

by James C. Askew
(A Coruña, Galicia, Spain)

Donky Jote

Donky Jote

To the majority of vistors to Spain it consists of beaches, cheap beer and sunburn - the famous "sun, sea and sangria".

However, having lived in, and travelled around, Spain for more than 11 years I want to make known the real beauty of the country, its people and its culture.

In January 2015 I'll be finishing my current contract and will essentially have time, either to kill, or to look for temporary work until my next contract starts, probably in April that year.

The idea struck me to walk one, or more, of the famous "Ways", "Rutas" or "Caminos" of Spain - The Santiago Way, The Way of El Cid or Even the Route of Don Quijote - accompanied by a donkey (probably named Jote - Donkey Jote).

The initial route chosen would depend on funding and available time. I would probably look to make this/these journey/s into a mini-series in which I would aim to introduce the viewer to the rich and enchanting diversity of the real Spain.

This is, at present, simply an idea in the making and I would therefore very much appreciate any further ideas any of you good people have to enrich my thoughts about this.

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Nov 03, 2015
Thanks for that!
by: JCA

That's great. Thank you very much!

Nov 01, 2015
a reading suggestion
by: Anonymous

Have you read The Wisdom of Donkeys: Finding Tranquility in a Chaotic World? Perhaps it would be good research for the idea. it's a slightly different construct but a good read all the same.

"With that purpose in mind―a search for slowness and tranquility―Andy Merrifield sets out on a journey of the soul with a friend's donkey, Gribouille, to walk amid the ruins and spectacular vistas of southern France's Haute-Auvergne."

The Wisdom of Donkeys: Finding Tranquility in a Chaotic World

Feb 04, 2015
That would have been great
by: J.C.A.

Hi Gin,

I'm afraid the idea has not moved on at all. It looks like it won't happen until next year.

Feb 04, 2015
let's film it
by: Gin

Where is this idea currently? I am studying Visual Anthropology and looking for film ideas for my master project atm. This trip sounds super cool, I might be willing to cooperate. But in that case I need to contact you so we could discuss it ASAP, I am a bit in a hurry here..

Jan 09, 2015
Can I come!?
by: Amy One Kinobe

This sounds very Anthony Bourdaine; I wonder if you could look at some of his work as inspiration. I lived in Spain all last year and fell in love. The process started much before stepping foot in the country so it might be nice to highlight some of that as well. Can't wait to see where this goes!

Dec 18, 2014
RE One Man and his Donkey
by: Anonymous

I had the same idea as you.Would be interesting to get a tourist's perpective as well as a natives'.

Nov 23, 2014
It's an option
by: J.C.A

Thanks Faith.

Yes I have considered that, and in reality it's probably the most sensible way to begin.

I'll put some thought into how I can try it on a low-low-budget basis.

Nov 22, 2014
Just Do It
by: Faith

Have you thought about creating a YouTube channel and start a little web series documenting your travels/adventures? See if it catches on and grow it from there!

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