Personality Disorder: The Truth

by Lady Sheila Tracey Sherwood
(St Helens, Merseyside United Kingdom)

I am a personality disorder staff trainer. I would like to star in a documentary about The Truth about Personality Disorders. This is because the subject has far too many myths and misconceptions, and I would like to give a realistic insight into the conditions and the stigma suffered by those with the conditions due to all the wrongfully believed myths surrounding the subject. My email address if you are interested in contacting me with regard to this is:

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Feb 24, 2019
The have serious uncurable issues.
by: Phoenix Blue

What type of Personality Disorder are you referring to?
My sister and I grew up, in what looked like to friends and other family members, a normal funtioning family,however inside of our home was something competely different. My mother's narcissistic personality disordered, 50 years later, ruined the relationship among our immediate,
She made life as miserable for us, especially for my younger sister who consistently tried to please her as she possibly could.
Its horrible when your mother tries to destroy your life. It's terrible discovering the person who is your birth mother never cared about you or loved you.
I've known many people with npd in my lifetime because I was raised with the energy in my life.
I was 55 years old when I discovered why none of my relationships never worked...and how I kept getting suckered.
These people never change and they are dangerous to themselves and especially others. Because they hate themselves so much they live and breathe to spread hate and destruction.
I wish they could change but they can not and they do not want to. I would love so much to have a mother who loves me and my sister. My mother, like the others, knows something is wrong with her but she will not get help.
Today my sister and I do not talk with her. And for the first time in my life I feel joy, because no one is in my life playing their manipulation games.
However the discovery of my mother's disorder was disturbing.
Good luck on your project.

Nov 28, 2012
Requested Feedback
by: Lady Sherwood

Yes of course- It is widely misinformed information regarding people suffering with personality disorder, especially by the worlds media like tv, press or radio that causes severe discrimination of this group of people who are genuine sufferers of a mental health condition. Myths such as- people with pd are dangerous, just deliberately badly behaved, manipulative, attention-seeking, criminals, being untreatable etc, that cause such great stigma and suffering to what already is a serious difficulty. People with pd, are very unlikely to harm anyone other than themselves and have had so much incorrect and false myths believed about their conditions. Pd is treatable over the longterm and has a very high recovery or improvement rate with the correct care. It is important to explain that pd in most cases is due to poor upbringing as a child and many have had repeated physical, sexual and mental abuse by their major caregivers and are actually survivors who should be treated with more empathy and understanding.

Oct 03, 2010
Any examples?
by: Webmaster

Thanks for your very intriguing documentary idea. You are exactly right that there is a lot of misunderstanding around mental health issues. Can you give some examples of the myths about personality disorders specifically? I think that would help filmmakers visualize the kind of story you'd like to tell.

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