by Nathan
(NY, NY)
If you saw Who Killed the Electric Car?, which was a tragedy in its essence, you want to watch Revenge of the Electric Car
. This film, directed by Chris Paine, who also directed "Who Killed the Electric Car?" is much like Star Wars Episode IV, where the bad guy is killed, but somehow you know the story isn't over.
With interviews from leaders of major car companies, this film makes clear that car manufacturers, whether they believe in climate change or not, are meeting the demands of their customers. In some ways, this film shows how "we" can make the world what we want it to be simply by choosing to shop for what we want and not simply taking what is being offered. If people stopped buying Big Macs, McDonald's would stop selling Big Macs. If people want electric cars, car makers will make them.
"Revenge of the Electric Car" also demonstrates how challenging it can be to change a system, especially a system as large as automobile production. The Tesla Motor Company was featured highly in this film and it was clear that starting a car company isn't easy. Just ask Tucker Motors. Companies that dominate one field do not like new guys coming around and changing the rules of their game. For smaller, less cash advantaged individuals, getting on the field can sometimes prove to simply be impossible.
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