Rough Justice | Documentary Proposal

by Avion Anderson
(Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago)

Here is my proposal for a documentary/video series about the Trinidad and Tobago Police Services Recruitment process. The project will focus on presenting a series of video programs for use in attracting young people and the general public interested in the police services and also attracting police officers to the various police stations in Trinidad and Tobago.


Using documentary film techniques, the recruitment videos will show real-life recruitment procedures and practices that one goes through in order to become a police officer; as well as the real-life job of an officer a police station. (A police from each police station, in Trinidad and Tobago, will be featured).

We will profile rookies who have been in the department for less than two years, seasoned officers with seven to ten years on the force and special operations officers. The police chief will address the recruit, and all other formalities will be followed that goes into the recruitment of an individual to become a police officer.

By showcasing the real-life experiences of new and experienced police officers, the viewer will get an honest picture of what the work involves and will come to appreciate the works of police officers and their involvement in protecting and serving the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The film will also highlight the quality of the life of each city, which a police station is located.

KEY MESSAGES (for the police recruitment video will include):

• Multifaceted team approach to fighting crime in each city that a police station/department is located.
• Opportunities to learn investigation skills, and conduct your own crime scenes investigations, and follow-ups.
• Advanced, high-tech equipment, and training on this gear.
• Opportunity to participate and be trained in special swat teams
• Huge community support and respect for officers – which is a huge point in these video series, as officers are seen as the major bad guys, now and their motto to protect and serve is now, look at shoot to kill. We want to bring back the respect of officers to the communities.
• Each community where a police station/department is located will be highlighted, such as restaurants, entertainment, etc.


Phase One: Planning
• Research real-life Patrolmen and women to feature in the video.
• Coordinate and pre-produce locations and schedule shooting days/nights.
• Create rough outline.

Phase Two: Production
• Film all scenarios.
• This includes multiple “Ride alongs” and “walkabouts” with officers selected to participate.
• At least four or five officers may be filmed, and selected by the best to be used in the DVD.

Phase Three: Post-Production
• Complete rough edits of DVD for client review.
• Incorporate client feedback. Re-edit video, submit for client approval or changes, then final re-edit and approval.
• The editing and filming will be a collaborative team effort with the production company or independent filmmaker and the police stations/department of each community, where a station is located in Trinidad and Tobago.

Phase Four: Mastering and Distribution
• 20 to 40 DVD’s are expected to be delivered for each version. Files are also delivered for use with CD’s and Web Deployment.

Phase Five: Production Time-line
• All phases of the development of the video programs will commence upon acceptance by an independent filmmaker or production company.

Note that timing may change due to the availability of people and locations.

Documentary Proposal Template

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Jun 20, 2012
by: Avion

It is my idea, which I also want to get the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Services involved too, as well as the army, coast guard, nursing institution, hospital and other. Now, I am concentrating on developing the Recruitment Video Project for both the police and fire service, here in Trinidad and Tobago. which I am now talking to two independent filmmakers, about them filming the whole series. I do not have any filmmaking experience and have never studied filmmaking, I am just a writer with lots of ideas in drama and documentary single and series for television and film production and I love my country and the people and I want to share our life stories, and also showcase and highlight the talents of the my people and the multifarious diversity of my twin island country to the world...

Jun 19, 2012
What was your inspiration?
by: Desktop Documentaries

Hi Avion,

Thanks for sharing your documentary proposal about the Trinidad and Tobago Police Services. Is this a project you were commissioned to do or is this an idea you're proposing to the police department? Have you started shooting yet or are you still in the development process? Interested to know more! Thanks again for sharing!

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