The Devil's Logic | Documentary Idea

by Chris Dahl
(Oldsmar. FL 34677)

John Couey (1958 – 2009)

John Couey (1958 – 2009)

In 2005, John Couey, a borderline mentally retarded career criminal and pedophile, strolled approximately the length of a football field to the trailer where nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford was sleeping.

Still high on crack cocaine and beer, Couey walked in through an open door, went into Jessica's room, put his hand over her mouth and told the girl not to make any noise. She complied, only pausing to grab her favorite purple dolphin doll. In silence, the two walked back to Couey's trailer where he lived with four other people. He lifted her up through the back window that led to his room.

For three days and nights, Couey kept Jessica in his closet, feeding her left-over fast food and soda, having her pee in a bottle. By the second day the girl was missing, a full search was on. Police and locals canvassed the area on foot; helicopters swirled through the air. At one point investigators were in the trailers itself, feet away from Jessica. She could have yelled; she could have run; she could have given Couey up -- but for some reason she did not. That would be a grave mistake.

On the third night, John Couey took his pedophelia to its furthest and final end. He took Jessica out of the closet and had sex with her.

He knew he had to get rid of the evidence, but he couldn't kill her. Compliantly, Jessica stepped into a trap of garbage bags and Couey buried her alive in a shallow grave just outside his trailer.

What followed was a convoluted, misguided and controversial investigation to say the least. What happened? That's the question that still lingers. Could investigators have saved Jessica before that fateful night? Was the father involved? The grandfather? Why is no one allowed to discuss the incident in the police department? These are the questions this documentary will attempt to answer.

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Jun 30, 2021
Much more to story
by: Site Visitor

The perfect storm, unfunded mandate from state of fla to monitor sex offenders in 2005, John C appeared in court twice on child sex abuse charges, each time he explains to uncaring judges how he needs help to deal with sex abuse trauma as child. Fla only gives him jail and leaves root of problem to fester. John C finally kills child in sexual based homicide. Sheriffs office does not perform required due diligence in search of surrounding residents. Much much more if one looks at public records, news articles and John C confession. The back story is almost as interesting as the headlines.

Dec 08, 2016
This is the stuff I would like to learn more about
by: Robert

I've never filmed a documentary before. But I am very interested in stories like this. I am very interested in how people think and do what they did/done.

May 22, 2013
Very sad
by: Anonymous

I remember this being in the news. Terrible story. But it sounds like there is more to understand. I'm not into this kind of story, but it is definitely the kind of real life story that TV news magazines jump on. Best of luck as you unravel and tell the story.

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