The kids are alright... or are they? Documentary Idea
by Jon Harrison
(Manchester, UK)
Sadly, a lot of children are brought up these days by parents who, for a variety of reasons, are separated. The impact on the children can be massive but it often goes un-noticed by the parents themselves who are so consumed with their own anger, bittterness, jealousy or resentment of a situation that they miss the signs that are staring them in the face, the signs that tell them that their kids are confused, upset and frightened.
If the parents go to court agencies like CAFCASS, it will play an active role in highlighting this issue. But, unfortunately for many couples, the parental tug-of-war is kept away from the courts and a long and drawn out battle ensues from which the children will often emerge scarred and damaged.
You'd be correct in assuming that I speak from my own experience. As a 'Good' father to my two boys I have spent 7 years trying to do the right thing by my sons. I've taken their mother to court, I've tried on numerous occassions to initiate mediation and I have had some success... but.. there are thousands of good Dads out there for whom contact with their children during their formative years can be made very difficult. The impact of this on the children can last a lifetime, important bonding time is lost forever and relationships can be shattered. In many cases, the child's understanding and knowledge of who their father is and what role he played in their upbringing is twisted and poorly represented by the period of angst that they've been unfairly submerged in during their childhood.
TV is the perfect medium for this story and a great opportunity to educate parents that 'parenting' is more than a biological privilege, it's a duty and a responsibility and you owe it to your kids to do it right.. whatever the circumstances.