Warriors Locked Up | Documentary Idea

by Daryl Talbot
(Frome, Somerset, UK)

My name is Daryl Talbot and I am 23 years old. I was in the army and then ended up serving time in prison for a violent offence. I want to make a documentary about soldiers and prisoners and especially soldiers in prison.

I believe it is something everybody is interested in. I would travel around to certain barracks showing why soldiers become aggressive. I would then travel to prisons to see how that aggression has took over there life.

I would also see how other prisoners view them and look into prison life in general. I served time in an A, b and c category prison for the crime of manslaughter and I haven't really seen many things on television about this certain subject and think it would be a good programme that viewers would enjoy.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this idea.

Many thanks Daryl Talbot

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Mar 05, 2018
by: Edward

Hey there, I am a young filmmaker and i really like this idea, i am living in London and was wondering where you are based? Get in touch if your still interested.


Feb 19, 2017
Warriors Locked Up
by: Marie

Hey Daryl, I am making a documentary at NYU and was wondering if you had been given anti depressants or anti psychotic drugs at any time during your ordeal. I am doing a documentary on the effects of these drugs and many service men and women are given them for PTSS when they come home. Many people become very aggressive and have many problems with addiction, suicide and the law after taking these drugs. If you have had any of these, I would like to interview you. Marie

Sep 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

hey, im a film maker currently studying in london and have been assigned a brief that i believe this documentary idea fits perfectly. I was wondering if you could contact me if you are still willing to either do an interview on work collaboratively on something together.



Apr 25, 2013
by: daryl talbot

thankyou for the comments, im glad you think its a good idea i just have no idea where to go from here, i have no fundaing, no filming equipment, no experience and no contacts, i was kind of hoping that maybe a tv company would like the idea and fund it or something but i guess thats because i am uneducated in this industry if anyone knows anybody who could help me then get in touch with me my mobile number is 07842041391

Apr 24, 2013
Warrior locked up documentary
by: Carl Hill

I hope you do not change your mind on this unique documentary idea, follow desktop documentary directions and you will be fine.

Apr 24, 2013
excellent idea
by: Desktop Documentaries

This is an excellent idea for a documentary, Daryl. Sounds like you've had quite an interesting life so far. And you definitely have a unique angle.

My very first suggestion (very important), is for you to sit in front of a camera and tell your own story. You can either do this by yourself and look into the camera or find someone to interview you. (Not just anyone can do a good interview, so make sure you find someone preferably who has a clue about filmmaking and storytelling).

Click here for tips on how to find a filmmaking crew to help you.

And make sure you have a good microphone.

Click here to learn about different types of microphones or check out this filmmaking gear check-list.

Your next step in making your documentary is to find your "characters". Do some interviews and test who comes across well on camera, who has the most compelling stories and then go back for follow-up interviews and to get your "b-roll". For example, you might want to interview 10-20 people and then narrow them down to your top 3-5 most interesting. The audience can only get to "know" maybe 5-7 characters in a typical 1-hour film.

I can envision this documentary being told with your voice, from your point of view, and weaving in the stories of the other soldiers/inmates.

I really think you're on to a good idea. Please keep us posted and let us know if you have any other questions about the filmmaking process.

Here are a few other links that may be helpful:

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