What makes you happy | Documentary Idea

by Joe Metzger
(Brockport, NY, USA)

In about 3 months I will be hiking the Appalachian Trail. This trail goes from Georgia to Maine which is equivalent to 2,181 miles. I am new to long distance hiking and I am very excited/scared. This trip could take me from 4 to 6 months.

While on the trail, im thinking about asking one simple question. A question such as, What makes you most happy in life? I like this idea because I will encounter hundreds of people from all over with their own stories and backgrounds.

I think it would be very interesting hearing each response and putting them together to reveal just how similar - or different people can be. I think this would help discover that.

Any suggestions would help.

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Dec 14, 2011
amazing opportunity
by: Desktop Documentaries (Faith)

Wow, Joe. Congratulations on committing to an amazing adventure! Have you thought about what video gear you're going to take? Of course, take LOTS of batteries. We recently had someone post a question about what camcorder to buy for making documentaries. Great discussion topic.

Your idea to ask what makes people happy is excellent. I think you'll get a lot of interesting answers. If I may also make a few additional suggestions...

Have you seen the documentary Life In A Day? It's an amazing collection of clips compiled from all over the world.

The documentary had people answer three basic questions:

What do you fear?

What do you love?

What's in your pockets right now?

I'm wondering for you, Joe - to create a bit more variety in the answers you get - to ask three questions instead of just one.

And in addition to asking the three questions, document your own journey which you will weave in and out of the comments you get.

In fact, I would start documenting your process right now! How are you preparing mentally? What are you packing? Every day/week sit yourself in front of the camera and talk about how you are preparing and how you are feeling about the process. Videotape yourself packing or doing the research.

In addition, create a Faceobook page and/or blog to start documenting your trip. Start building interest in your project so that when you want to make your documentary (raise money, sell dvd's, find a film editor, etc), you'll have a base of support already in place!

Again, congratulations for having the courage to follow your dreams and push the boundaries of your comfort zone.

Please make sure to come back here to this page and keep us posted!

You can post comments below. Anyone else have ideas for Joe?

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